Jennifer DeCicco

Ph.D., Biopsychology & Behavioral Neuroscience, The Graduate and University Center of The City Universiy of New York
B.A., Psychology, Rider University
Research Interests
My primary research interest involves using multiple physiological (central and peripheral) and behavioral measures to example developmental changes in emotion regulation over the lifespan. That is how physiological responses to emotional events or information change over the lifespan. Currently at Holy Family University, my lab utilizes physiological measures to capture brain activity (EEG), heart rate (ECG), and other peripheral physiological measures. My research seeks to identify what responses characterize adaptive (skilled) or maladaptive regulation in young children through older adulthood.
Students who are interested in becoming a research assistant or conducting independent research for research practicum credit in Dr. DeCicco's Emotion Regulation and Physiology (ERP) Lab